I hated seeing what Feti was going through. The dunk posts were funny but it never really sat right with me. Hope he's making progress.

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I’d gone through a similarly devastating crush only the year before he made that post, it hit close to home for me seeing him agonize over a girl who I felt similarly about. Hope he can learn to move on from that.

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It was an important experience for me, one I'm glad I went through early. Everyone needs to get over the one-itis, especially when you're as young as he was. Isn't he still in high school?

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Unfortunately feti is a 26 year old NEET. He's older than I am. A lost soul of the internet.

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Wow, that completely recontextualizes everything I know. I just assumed he was really young because of the way his messages were written. Still not too late though!

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Being 'tistic, lonely and tired all the time, feeling sympathy for people somehow more outcast than you are-- I can relate to all of this.

The worst is getting those rare moments where someone will genuinely sit down and want to listen to you problems and you can't even articulate what you mean, what you want to mean, so they can't even help by hearing you out.

It's then that I get told to see a therapist but I couldn't, wouldn't be able to hide my power level while also being truly honest so, lol!

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I can no longer trust therapists. they would immediately see me put on drugs, docs are so quick to turn to drugs today that its scary.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by DAKLR

Patriot Front has its problems but it's just a big active club. Honestly, most of you iFunny chuds could utilize an active club to get in shape and become more confident.

I came into this sphere of online dissidents through a website called consumepoduct. On that forum we would share memes and stories, and bash the degenerates and weak links in our ranks. We especially liked going after the Donald posters. Well, that whole forum was based around "self-improvement" and the need for White men to "improooov"

I stand by it. Do not stay in your chud rut. If you are cursed to be single and poor, at least be a sigma about it

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Idk how to get in touch with one. Obviously I'm not going to look up "active clubs near me" on Google. Do I go to some chat on telegram?

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Yes, but I’ve been banned from telegram a few times and stopped going there so I lost contact with most of those groups. I know some of them can be contacted on Twitter. You should PM some of the NatSoc substackers and they can point you in the right direction.

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People really went over the top on Feti, whether the story was true or not or he just sperged out, it just didn’t feel right. Even later on people were just saying white women will be with jeets feti!!!! Like nigga…. It’s been some time, there’s no context of him here! Stop being a cuck!!!!!!!! Like a muscle response to talk about how whites are cucks, way too repetitive and made me look at some ifunniers differently

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I sense that iGvza is more pathetic than Feti thoughbeit. Also Feti's struggle is perfectly sympathetic, imagine getting cucked by a pajeet?! Utter dysgenics! Imagine a girl you dream of having kids with and loving forever ends up dating the worst race because "saar i habv it skills and can gibv you millions of rupees saar". Even blacks are athletic, funny and good at rap; pajeets are 10x worse...

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As much as I hate nigs pajeets are just objectively worse because of their weakness and smelliness. Imagine what sort of selective pressures breed a race that is immune to the revulsion of sewage. Eugh.

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Niggers are gross but there is some good in them. I can think of niggas like kanye, all the people from those savage hood vines, darius, etc. But I cannot think of a single good pajeet, even Apu from the simpsons was removed because some shitlib made a documentary going "SAAAR DO NOT REDEEM POSITIVE STEREOTYPE *shits on kwik-e-mart floor*"

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Yeah they might be dirty, unrefined, and rude. But they do have a charisma and sense of life to them most whites seem to have had beaten out of them over the generations. Our cultural wellspring and life cannot come from any foreign body however, and the threat they pose and their downside still make TND or at least repatriation the only acceptable option.

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Been thinking similarly to this lately. Feels better for someone to put it into writing, knowing I’m not alone

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I did find the posts at his expense funny at times, but they were a bit too much. I can commiserate with Feti as we're about the same age and I've had similar experiences as him, but to a lesser extent. Many of his posts prior to the meltdown did resonate with me. We even DM'd a bit before his departure (which surprised me since I'm not known on the app). I can only hope he's doing well.

It's easy to feel lost in this era. Nothing you do feels like it gets you anywhere. Nothing ever happens except a slow and persistent decay. I'm not a neurotic type myself, but it has become increasingly difficult to not fall into a hopeless apathy at times.

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Sep 17Liked by DAKLR

Brazil is a banger but oh boy is it depressing. Also, the miasma is 100% real, the only escape for me has been getting out of the city. I live in suburban Washington most of the time, so I can get into the woods and mountains really easily, but it started killing me when I moved to Columbia SC for college and it felt like I’d lost the outdoors. It’s kinda a meme at this point but cities are definitely bad for you. As an aside, I’ve noticed that if you go somewhere outdoors that you can drive all the way up to, there will be Indians there, but if you have to walk any distance to get to your destination, there will only ever be white people.

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Arrrggg the colour contrast...

Seriously, imagine the strength you will have to make it through. The key is to have faith in something even if it is unrational, unpopular, even if you have to keep it to yourself.

I was in the Yukon wandering the bush, chasing women, getting drunk, getting beat up and beating up Mongols, great times. I miss the Arctic almost every day but to go back... well, years of wandering I have learnt no place is the same as you left it.

That was after living on the streets no shelter, no welfare, just my wits and the street family to watch out for each over. Most died.

It has been worse and better, but I always had a knowledge that there is an Otherworld, an Almighty, the gods, etc.

Fuck the world. Don' t let them wear you down, don't let them tell you what to think and feel. The world is going to fuck with you, you are going to fail. A person only fails when they stop trying.

Young men need a purpose and focus. It is that simple.

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This is how I felt when I was younger and in college, like 18-19. My father had left us a couple years prior(my mom is a crazy bitch) when I needed a male role model the most, so come college I was a relatively unskilled and underdeveloped skinny nice guy. I KNEW exactly why I miserable and depressed though, I didn’t want to sit through marxist brainwashing and white guilt classes working pointless wage slavery with little free time, got into military where I have since been surrounded by good mentors, likeminded friends and saw a drastic increase in skills, confidence, physicality and happiness. Extreme dissatisfaction often requires an extreme change in lifestyle. Do what your heart desires, let it run free !

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I'm feeling nearly the opposite right now. I feel like I'm running at 110% along a tightrope. I'm going to make it! WAG to freaking MI!

I think 3 mindsets have been most useful for me in this: 1. Stoic mantra: "Can you do something about it? Yes? Then do it! No? Then stop worrying!" 2. "Fuck it we ball", when you're overthinking and worrying, you need to stop yourself and just think, is there a serious chance that this could get me into permanent trouble (not just temporary humiliation)? If not, then just do it! And 3. Enjoy ALL of life. You don't say that one taste in a dish is bad, so why would you say that one aspect of life is bad? Pain, anger, embarrassment, anxiety, sadness, fear. These are like hot peppers and salty olives on the pizza of life. You wouldn't want a pizza covered in sugar and icecream, so don't desire a life filled with ease and comfort. Pursue novel experiences, hunt them down! Be brave!

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I get more like that attitude when my enthusiasm for life is back, the spark does return from time to time. I must maintain it. Changes in diet and habit help, but also being I'm my element. I'm something of a pluviophile, I like taking photos, I love walking in nature, especially when there are no other people around.

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